Hello Teaday: Week 1

For those of you wondering, “What ever happened to dear old Motivation Monday?” lets just admit it… they weren’t very motivational days at all.

This is about the point of the post were you should slap on a Spanish moustache & start crying uncontrollably, shouting, “Porque?! Por-quee?!” At which I respond with, “I have a bigger and better solution to our little predicament:”


I drink tea, A LOT. Maybe more than required for my sanity, but none the less… You can always count on me having a fresh, hot cup of juju juice to help me mull over a few ideas.

Enter Hello Teaday : a great way to get serious and discuss a few quotes, poems, and inspirational words once a week (every Tues Teaday).(In a way, Motivate Monday still lives!) So, commencing today’s inspiration and tea of the like:

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
- Helen Keller

This quote… made me smile :) We often pursue objects, jobs, a life which we believe leads to our happiness; in reality we are completely wrong and naive. Finally realizing we made the wrong decisions, it’s often too late to turn back to the open door. This is a story that will repeat itself too many times to name in your lifetime. Helen Keller, you were very wise.

Currently I am drinking Bengal Spice Tea. Hmm, this tea is perfect for opening up sinuses if you have a cold, just as this quote is perfect for opening up your mind. Coincidence? I’ll let you decide… Happy traveling.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

i love tea! this is a wonderful idea and i am all for the change. change is hard but for the best :) happy teaday!